
  • Participation in training of European judges and prosecutors on access to justice in environmental matters (organized by the European Judicial Training Network (Seville, 2010; Lisbon, 2013; Bucarest 2017; Lisbon, 2019).

  • Providing training for officers of the member states’ administrations organized by the Impel Network on the waste framework directive (2019)

  • Cooperation in international commissions for the accreditation of PhD Law degrees in Higher Education Institutions in Portugal (A3Es) (2019).

  • Expert for DG Regio and AEBR in two reports to remove obstacles to cross border cooperation between European regions on environmental matters (2019).

  • National coordinator of the project on Legal indicators of Environmental Effectivity (https://www.uc.pt/fduc/ij/investigacao/RedeDiplomaciadeSustentabilidadeAmbiental/RedeDiplomaciadeSustentabilidadeAmbiental) starting in 2019.

  • Participation in the Task Force on Access to Justice, of the UN Economic Commission for Europe on access to justice for ENGOs (2015)

  • Participation as an external expert in the mid-term evaluation of the STAR-FLOOD trans-European project "STrengthening And Redesigning European FLOOD risk practices: Towards appropriate and resilient flood risk governance arrangements" (http://www.starflood.eu/) which culminated in a meeting of all research teams with the panel of experts on 17 November 2015 in Brussels.

  • Participated as an expert in the meeting promoted by the European Commission with academics on "Access to Justice in EU Environmental Matters" in Brussels on 13 February 2015.

  • National correspondent in Portugal at the Centre International de Droit Comparé de l'Environnement, a French non-governmental organisation with special consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Committee since March 2017.