Participation in training of European judges and prosecutors on access to justice in environmental matters (organized by the European Judicial Training Network (Seville, 2010; Lisbon, 2013; Bucarest 2017; Lisbon, 2019).
Providing training for officers of the member states’ administrations organized by the Impel Network on the waste framework directive (2019)
Cooperation in international commissions for the accreditation of PhD Law degrees in Higher Education Institutions in Portugal (A3Es) (2019).
Expert for DG Regio and AEBR in two reports to remove obstacles to cross border cooperation between European regions on environmental matters (2019).
National coordinator of the project on Legal indicators of Environmental Effectivity (https://www.uc.pt/fduc/ij/investigacao/RedeDiplomaciadeSustentabilidadeAmbiental/RedeDiplomaciadeSustentabilidadeAmbiental) starting in 2019.
Participation in the Task Force on Access to Justice, of the UN Economic Commission for Europe on access to justice for ENGOs (2015)
Participation as an external expert in the mid-term evaluation of the STAR-FLOOD trans-European project "STrengthening And Redesigning European FLOOD risk practices: Towards appropriate and resilient flood risk governance arrangements" (http://www.starflood.eu/) which culminated in a meeting of all research teams with the panel of experts on 17 November 2015 in Brussels.
Participated as an expert in the meeting promoted by the European Commission with academics on "Access to Justice in EU Environmental Matters" in Brussels on 13 February 2015.
National correspondent in Portugal at the Centre International de Droit Comparé de l'Environnement, a French non-governmental organisation with special consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Committee since March 2017.